Tuesday 16 August 2016

What to Look for When Selecting a Luxury Business Card?

Wise business personnel must invest in a trendy and up to date Spot UV Business cards to become noticeable to people having their cards. Spot UV cards are partial coating of a glossy lacquer on the business card to make some important logos or things prominent. One must be very careful while choosing a suitable business card for his company and himself.

Luxury business cards are really in fashion now and you can choose those to impress your clients. You must note that the paper quality of the business card is good and long lasting. The paper must be able to carry the strength of your reputation and your business logo in a proper way. Select a hard and durable variety that can stay in the wallets of your clients for long.

Silk laminated business cards can be used for extra elegance and style. Make sure your name gets prominence in the card. The name must be written in bold letters to be readable to all kinds of clients. Using different font styles in the name may confuse many. Simple and bold printing of the name will help people remember you when they take out your business card.

Matte laminated business cards are also handy in modern times and can have your picture. The image or picture of you will remind your clients instantly about you when they come across the card. Busy people often tend to forget names and designations of other business delegates. A clear picture can help them recognize you faster.

Silk lamination will give them the idea about the goodwill of your business and the prospering happening of your business right away. They will place their faith on you immediately and try to contact you. Make sure the silk lamination pot UV is done on the slogan or logo of your company. The professional look of the card will help clients to understand the potential of the company. Many company officials and executives can be recognized when the company logo is in their business cards. Spend time to create a realistic and eye catching logo for the company and use that cleverly in the card.

Gloss laminated business cards must be informative about your contact details. It must contain your name, address, contact number of mobile and residence, fax number and website details. Social networking is another major way to connect to people. Give your social networking links in the business cards to enable clients to look for you when they are online. Make sure there is no mistake in the printing of anything on the card.

Linen business cards are very attractive and can be used by business professionals of recent times. The card must be chosen to be used in both ways. You can put some additional information at the back if you want. Many people think of keeping the back side empty and simple to allow the clients to write a note on the back about them. Make sure the back side can be used for writing with a simple ball pen.

Recycled business cards should always be given importance as no one wants to degrade Mother Earth. Try to make use of the card many times before you discard a lot. Make sure the card is easily scanned by the client as most clients want to store information in a database rather than carry things around.

Follow the above instructions and get the business card done from a professional graphic designer.

Business Cards for effective impression and personality.

Brand identity is very important as it is the foundation for your every marketing effort. The brand gives an immediate recognition  and creating a positive brand identity is an arduous task and business cards play a crucial role in branding your business. Your business card is a statement about yourself and your business. Therefore, it is imperative to choose the right business card for effective Business Card Printing services like Business Card Design, Canada offer a range of elegant, captivating  business cards. One such luxury business card is a spot UV business card.
impression and personality. A memorable high quality business card imparts the subliminal message that you’re a solid company. There are many

What is Spot UV Business card?
It is the blend of matt laminated business card and glossy cards. They are attention grabbing and unique. Unlike UV coating business cards that have gloss coating to the entire card, the UV is applied only in certain places like company name, logo, email etc. It can be also applied in unique patterns like stripes, plaid, little circles. Thus, this type of business card design is pretty brilliant and creates endless options.

The best part of the Spot UV card is that it allows you to select areas of the card that you want to highlight. These areas can be made glossy and slightly raised to give an extra bit of flare whilst maintaining a look of sleek professionalism. Laminated business cards add both a visual and textural experience. Highlighting logos, company names, email addresses help to gain customer’s attention easily.

The main purpose of exchanging business card is to acquire new business. To create a long lasting impression on the mind of the recipient, you need to focus on four aspects. They are right color and font; creative, unique ideas, impressiveness and final look.
  • When choosing a design for your business card, ensure to choose one that fits your business, and personality. It should communicate your message clearly and effectively. It should represent what your business stands for and what makes you stand apart from others.
  • Choose a design and color that entice the readers. Don’t choose bland and boring designs as it may indicate that you are not a creative person. However, ensure to maintain professionalism . Ensure to use your brand’s colors.
  • Don’t overload your card with too much information. Incorporate your logo, contact information, branding, tagline and a tidbit about your service or product.
  • Make it unique as you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Being unique is the true leveraging power of a great business card.
  • Instead of printing of one-sided, why not make use of the extra space to work for you? Use the back side to print your location, services, tagline etc.
A well designed business card can set you apart from your competitors by making meaningful and memorable. Use these elements to make it stand out from the clutter of standard cards and make a good first impression.

Attractive And Graceful Embossed business cards.

Many people overlook the value of having a professional business card that accurately reflects your brand image, yet this small piece of paper can be an important part of your collateral package. It’s often the first item prospects receive from you, so it’s your first opportunity to make a strong, positive impression on them.

Our 32pt business card create a distinctive and impressive appearance. Choosing our premium features in business cards such as emboss that adds a touch  of class apart from crowd. Browse this gallery of embossing business cards to get ideas for that professional, luxurious, and elegant look to your business cards.
Embossed business card printing involves raising aspects of a card surface across the level of the rest. Improve your business card printing with added dimension or give a touch of class with a subtle impression.

Embossing is readily available over a wide variety of stocks. Spot UV and embossing the same image is possible and some beautiful finishes can be achieved.

Available options:

  • Round corners
  • Custom die cut
  • Embossing*
  • Debossing*
  • Hot foil stamping*
  • Colored edges*
Standard Size
3.5” X 2”.

The Most Beautiful Recycles Business Cards!!!!

Businesses of all sizes are going green and looking at efforts to maximize their commitment to environment protection. Some are doing it because of specific laws governing this area, while some are doing it as a conscious choice or best practices. Companies are encouraging employees to consider environmentally friendly business cards as much as possible. This variety is made from 100% recycled card stock, making them very green.

100% Recycled Business Card
You may wonder if the final impact of recycled business cards may not be as good as the others, but you need not be worried. Today, green business ideas are being encouraged under the area of business cards too. If you uphold the green commitment, using recycled business cards is the best way to showcase this sentiment to customers. People will instantly respect you and the values displayed by your business towards this noble cause.

If you are a business, that uses machines and other industrial processes, going in for business cards from recycled cardstock gives out the message that in a small way, you are a company with a conscience. Customers, present and potential are constantly watching your image and being perceived as a eco-friendly business will get you additional brownie points.

Customers, who practice this lifestyle in their lives, will instantly connect with you. They will be more inclined to partner with you as you come across as a like minded entity.

Typically, environmentally friendly business cards are made from recycled cardstock. This cardstock is made from recycled or waste paper disposed by paper product making companies. That is generally used to make new paper. Mostly, eco-friendly business cards contain the green symbol or mention that it is made from recycled material.

If you are wondering on the efficacy of this recycled card-stock, be rest assured. You can print, have multiple colors and get the same designs on these cards too. So there is no difference in the final look and feel, besides maybe the texture which may same different to those who are used to the normal card-stock. Designing and printing can be the same as the other kind.
Business cards tend to be used a lot and there is wastage too, hence in order to draw attention to your sustainability initiatives, this is the first step externally wherein you can make your mark. Environmentally friendly business cards are the way to go for any business which wants to depict a green image.

Features of recycled cards
  • 100% environment friendly
  • uncoated natural look and feel
  • flexible of our recycled products feel

Friday 14 August 2015

The Fundamentals of Business Cards

5 hints for making a professional business card that makes a long lasting impression.

Lots of people disregard the worth of using a professional business card that accurately reflects your brand image, yet this small sheet of paper is often an important element of your collateral package. It is usually the initial item prospects receive of your stuff; therefore it is your initial possibility to produce a strong, positive impression to them.

The preponderance of do-it-yourself online business-card printing companies is definitely an intriguing, notable and somewhat troubling phenomenon. With limited exceptions, it's simple enough to recognize and inexpensively produced card. If you select to "economical" on your own cards, what message does that send to people that you would like to conduct business? Are you currently really doing yourself any favors by missing out on the chance to begin to build an optimistic brand image immediately?

Cheaper might not be better with regards to first impressions. Give clients an excellent first impression using these tips and tactics:

Tip #1:Design Tips 
Enlist the assistance of an expert designer if you don't hold the requisite skills to create your organization card yourself.
Ideally, this person's also given the job of designing other collateral (letterhead, brochures, website, etc.), so it will likely be intuitive to transport your brand image through from those pieces towards your card.

Tip #2: Make it simple.
Business card printings are generally just 3.5" x 2" (except when they are not--see below), which means you don't possess an excessive amount of space that to be effective. Don't you could make your logo too big, don't result in the type they cannot be comfortably read, and never be worried to utilize white space.

Tip #3: Continue with the standard card size--unless you are the adventurous type.
You will find steps you can take to some 3.5" x 2" card to distinguish yourself (e.g., rounded corners), but choosing a unique shape could be tricky. A round card, for example, is very memorable; however it certainly won't easily fit in standard business-card holder devices. You've got to be prepared to trade convenience for memo ability when you purchase an unconventional size or shape.

Content Tips
Tip #4: Be deliberate when choosing the data to look on your own card.
What's most significant? Your company name certainly must be there, combined with the name of your respective company (via your logo), your telephone number as well as your e-mail address. Space permitting, you can include your home address, fax number, cell-phone number and company website address, if desired. Don't clutter some misconception too much--as using the design, simpler and cleaner is definitely better.

Tip #5: Keep your back blank, or utilize it for non-critical information.
How frequently will people see the rear of your card? Traditional card storage modes think that side is blank. Should you choose need to put copy about it, make sure the details are of the supplemental nature: e.g., your company's mission or tagline. While business cards should advertise your brand identity, they really should not be mistaken for advertising.

The Final Outcome
Consider the way you use others cards whenever you decide with regards to your own. Would you get frustrated once you can't easily discover the data you'll need? Or perhaps the type is simply too promising small to read? Or printed inside a font that's difficult to decipher? Do cheaply produced cards cause you to think a smaller amount of the individual or company represented? Will it require some time to understand whose card it's, or what company that individual works best for?

Don't make those self same mistakes when making your organization card. Ensure it's really a positive reflection of you and your company; also it mirrors your well-defined brand identity.